Saturday, April 21, 2007

Stupid Nail...

Sooo poor these days... just on friday i was forced to change a new battery for my car and it cost me $100!!! and as i was about to go out last nite, i realised i got a flat tire... FARRRRKK! stupid-ass nails on stupid-ass ground!! grrrrrr.... gonna prob cost me another $50 to fix :(

so today i had to put on one of my stockies so i can take it into the shop tomorrow. heres a pic i took...

Looks pimp! burn-out styleeeee... haha!


Bevo said...

lol bl. Ive gotten like4 flats already. Should only cost bout 20 bucks

kaidi said...

oh snap! thats shit luck man, i wanna cum take photos soon, i lowered my car this week :D:D and getting respary in about hopefully a month

theone said...

Hey, alex...look like you done a good job with your car! Keep it coming man!! Nice photos u got here!

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